Pobiti Kamani
The Pobiti Kamani represents rock formations in Northeast Bulgaria, between Devnya and Varna. The unique natural phenomenon looks like a stone forest and consists of 14 groups of stone columns with irregular, cylindrical or conical form, located among sands and extending to the west end of Varna''s low lands. It is a unique combination of atmospheric, chemical and tectonic processes. The rock columns in the sands from the Eocene period vastly impress and attract both scientists and the general public. Nowhere else in the world can one see such colums, and least of all, colums of such origin and size. On the other hand, the desert-like surroundings with their specific flora and fauna make it imperative that this natural monument should be preserved. The rock groups are inhabited by all sorts of animal species and birds. The Pobiti Kamani Natural Monument is included in the indicative list of UNESCO in 1984.
The Pobiti Kamani represents rock formations in Northeast Bulgaria, between Devnya and Varna. The unique natural phenomenon looks like a stone forest and consists of 14 groups of stone columns with irregular, cylindrical or conical form, located among sands and extending to the west end of Varna''s low lands. It is a unique combination of atmospheric, chemical and tectonic processes. The rock columns in the sands from the Eocene period vastly impress and attract both scientists and the general public. Nowhere else in the world can one see such colums, and least of all, colums of such origin and size. On the other hand, the desert-like surroundings with their specific flora and fauna make it imperative that this natural monument should be preserved. The rock groups are inhabited by all sorts of animal species and birds. The Pobiti Kamani Natural Monument is included in the indicative list of UNESCO in 1984.